The natural materials used for beads contain the others as well as wood, shell, fruit, seeds, stone, animal teeth, fish spine, ivory, coral and ostrich shell. In the ages when the sun and the moon are accepted as God, the use of round beads with shapes reflecting the shapes of the sun and the moon seems to be of great importance for the old people. The beads made of small shells were found to be in the layers of earth older than 75,000 years.
Beads before the glass
Around the 16th century BC, Mesopotamian trades began to make balls from glass. Soon, in the 15th century BC, such glass balls began to be built in Egypt. Although these first glass balls are quite simple, more beautiful and complex designs have been created through techniques such as lamp making over time.
Cylinder beads
In the last decade, cylinder beads, a new form of Japanese beads, have become increasingly popular. Unlike round sand beads, cylinder beads are extremely uniform in terms of shape and size and have large holes. The straightened ends provide a flat, smooth structure of the bead process created with cylinder beads. The lines and columns in the weaving are sorted more regularly, so the detailed pattern work occurs more accurately and evenly. These beads are more expensive than round beads, but the reduced weight of thin -walled cylinder beads results in more beads per gram.
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