Generally, the first bridges in forested areas were formed by lengthening one or more wooden logs. In tropical regions, suspension bridges were built by bringing together fibrous plants. Generally, fibrous vine trees have been used in various parts of the world for this purpose. In stony areas, bridge piers were built by piling stones from time to time. These legs were then combined.
It is estimated that the first bridges were built in China and spread to India from there. Bridges with multiple spans were built by making piers in between. The first arch-like bridges are found in Mesopotamia in 4000 BC and in Egypt around 3000 BC. In the arch bridge system, the loads are taken by the arches and transferred along the arch as a pressure force by changing the direction and given to the ground at the bridge piers. Since then, the arch bridge shape has remained the classic bridge type. Although the arch type was known by the ancient Egyptians, it was not used as a building system. The belt system is not a self-supporting type of construction without a keystone. Although the ancient Greeks knew the arch shape, they did not use it in buildings, although they advanced in architecture, they built only a few bridges. The reason is that they mostly use the sea route in trade. Real stone masonry bridge is economical and durable. It is possible to cross small rivers using medium legs. This type of shape was widely used by the Chinese and Romans. The first of the bridges built by the Romans was wooden, and its history dates back to 621 BC. Although the construction of stone bridges began around 200 BC, wooden ones continued as well. There are also stone ones that have survived to the present day. They generally used semi-circular arches. Stone blocks, numbering up to seven or eight, have been used. The stones are placed on each other without mortar, and the feet are very rigid. For this reason, the collapse of any opening will not harm neighboring openings. They paid particular attention to the bridge piers built in the middle of the river. During the construction of the middle pillars, they emptied the water and soil until solid ground was found by driving adjacent piles, and they built the pillar later. The Romans are also famous for the bridges they built to cross the valleys.
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