Dolphins, considered one of the most intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom, are loved by people for their friendly and playful behavior. Bottlenose dolphins, called "Afalina" with the "Flipper" series published in the 1960s and 70s, became the most recognizable dolphin species among humans. The dolphin we watched in the series was always in the role of the hero, protecting human life and saving the day, as per the scenario. Because they're at the top of the ocean food chain, they really save lives, if not like in the show, helping scientists monitor this environment and identify issues that threaten the ocean ecosystem. Since hearing is their most developed sense, they can sense everything going on around them with a single sound wave. Their eyes, which have a 180-degree angle, allow them to see even behind them. Having good vision both in and out of water, Afalinas can focus their pupils independently of each other and scan blurry and dark underwater with one eye, while looking at bright light with the other.
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