Musical notation is a language that has evolved over thousands of years, and the note we know today has been in existence for over 300 years. Music notation is the symbolic representation of sound, from simple notation for pitch, length, and timing to more advanced descriptions of expression, timbre, and even special effects.
Before you learn to read music, you need to understand the basics that anyone who wants to study music should know. Horizontal lines on a sheet of music are staves. They are the simplest and most basic of all musical symbols and are the basis for everything that follows.
One of the first things you encounter when studying music is the clef. This mark, which looks like a large, wavy symbol on the left side of the wand, is the legend that roughly tells you what range your instrument should play.
The bass clef, also called the F key, is used for the left hand of the piano, bass guitar, trombone, etc.
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