Corn comes from the grass family. It is estimated that the homeland of Egypt is in Central and South America. 5000 year old corn and corn cobs were found in a cave in Mexico. The corn plant, which we consume with pleasure and use in many areas, is rich in oil. In addition, it is an energizing food due to the presence of abundant carbohydrates in its composition, and it also contains basic nutrients such as water, minerals, protein and oil in its composition. When the corn grains are heated, the water in its composition begins to evaporate after a while, and after the evaporated water expands, the corn grains do not fit together. After a while, the shell splits with the increase in temperature and forcing water vapor. Water vapor also starts to come out, and along with the water vapor, other nutrients such as starch and protein in the composition of the corn kernel also come out. Starch and protein begin to turn white as the nutrients come out. When it completes its whitening time, it turns into popcorn.
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