The system that works by printing the letters moved by a keyboard onto the paper with an ink system is called a typewriter.
In 1714, the English engineer Henri Mill built for the first time a machine that printed letters as clear and legible as a printing press. However, the first typewriter model was developed by William Austin Burt of Detroit in 1828. This machine, called the typograph, which Burt also patented, wrote very heavily. In 1867, after nearly 40 years, Christopher Latham Sholes built the first practical typewriter.
In the first industrial model, introduced by Remington in 1873, the carriage was rotated by a pedal similar to a sewing machine pedal. They developed the invention of Remington, Underwood, Smith, and Royal Sholes to make typewriters similar to those of today. Thomas Edison's first electric typewriter was followed by James Field Smather's first motor-driven typewriter (1914). Electric typewriters, which were put into mass production by International Business Machine (IBM) in 1930, achieved significant success.
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