The first to describe the disease was a German neuropsychiatrist named Alois Alzheimer. In 1902, 51-year-old Auguste Deter was admitted by his wife to Dr. brought to Alzheimer's. Examining and following the patient, Dr. Alzheimer's performs an autopsy following the death of the patient in 1906.
In the brain samples he took, thinning of the patient's cortex and different accumulations in and around the cells are encountered. This invention of Alzheimer's, which defines plaque and fiber, was presented in medical congresses in the following years and is known as Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's Diagnosis According to DSM-V
DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is a scientific field in which the diagnostic criteria of mental disorders are updated. In the light of scientific and latest accepted data, the following conditions must be met for Alzheimer's dementia to be diagnosed according to DSM-V.
Impaired mixed attention functions
Impairment in executive functions
Learning and memory impairment
Language disruption
Perception disorder
Impairment in social cognition
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