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Cotton is a plant species from the mallow family, whose homeland is
India. The cotton plant consists of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds. 60-120 cm depending on the species and variety, and 5-6 m in tree form. Can be grown. Cotton 30-100 cm. It has a deep pile root extending 50-80 cm to the sides. 8-10 cm of the soil surface. The first lateral roots occur below. They grow horizontally. The number of lateral roots is 3-4. Each of them branches again and spreads around. With the outward elongation of the epidermis cells, numerous absorbent hairs occur. In general, the root continues vertically in the soil or, after a while, by drawing a zigzag. Root length can reach up to 1.5 m under suitable conditions.
Cotton is an annual plant. It is planted in the spring. The length of the cotton plant grows up to 1-1.5 m. It blooms in light pink or yellow colors after 50-60 days. When these flowers dry and fall, a small dark green, pyramid-shaped and walnut-sized pod is formed. There are 16-60 seeds in the cocoons. During the maturity period of this seed coat, called the cocoon, long and thin fibers form on the seeds. There are 10,000-20,000 fibers on each seed. As the fibers mature in a compacted state in the closed cocoon, they begin to gain their folds. With the elongation of the fibers in the cocoon, the volume of the cocoon becomes insufficient and the cocoon cracks and opens. Cotton seeds are exposed even though they are covered with fiber. The fibers lose water with the effect of hot air, and the fibers stuck together swell, allowing the cocoon to open.