Linux is the most well-known and widely used open source operating system. Unlike other operating systems, it has an
open source structure. This means that the person using the operating system can be aware of almost everything going on in the background of the computer, and can edit and develop the operating system in his own way.
The Evolution of Linux?
Linux was founded in 1999 by Helsinki University student Linus Torvalds. Torvalds developed Linux as a rival to Minix, another Unix clone used mostly in academic settings. The name of Linux, which was developed as a free and open source alternative, would be Freax in the first step, but then it was decided to name Linux, which emerged from the combination of the developer's name and Unix.
Stable software updates
Different distributions
Technical support
No standard version
Learning time
Now let's take a look at the differences between
Ubuntu and CentOS:
The biggest difference between these two Linux distributions is that Ubuntu is based on the Debian architecture, while CentOS is rooted in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
In Ubuntu, you can download DEB packages using the apt-get package manager. However, in CentOS, you must use the yum command to download and install RPM packages from the central directory.
CentOS is seen as a more stable distribution than Ubuntu. This is mainly because package updates are less frequent. This can also be seen as an advantage for CentOS. If you want the latest versions of certain applications or software, you will need to install them manually.
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