Television PNG
Although television production works date back to 1923, the first television was produced in 1923, within the borders of England. This production was carried out with a sink and a tea tin and could not be broadcast due to the lack of necessary materials. After that, the development of the invention continued with the projection machine wrapped in a biscuit box, and in 1925 the first working television was invented.
This invention, which is considered the stone of
television, included many interesting materials from embroidery needles to wax. Although television was completed with the realization and broadcasting of the first video signal, like all inventions, it was not taken seriously at first.
Until 1929, when the BBC channel made its first test broadcast. After this broadcast, the television saw the value it deserved and work began on its production. The first published images consisted of two stages; In the first, the BBC broadcast news, and in the second, it continued its broadcasting with music.
Television PNG for your graphic design works.